Our BOM is non-stress fun and fundraising! Each month there will be a theme and/or pattern.
Follow the instructions and make one or more blocks. Drop blocks off or mail them to Kate by mail so they arrive no later than the Wednesday before the Thursday guild meetings. A ticket for each block delivered will be put into a drawing.
The winner gets all the blocks made for the month, however, you must pay to play!
Fundraising fee: $3/month or $10/year
Include name and fee with blocks.
All blocks should be 10.5” square raw edge [10” square finished size].
SEPTEMBER – Spinning Spools
As always raw edge measurement is 10 ½“ square.
Find the instructions here.

AUGUST – No Block of the Month
JULY – Red, White, and Blue
Pull out your imagination and your red, white and blue fabrics! This month’s block design is up to you. The unifying visual are the fabric colors. Pick your block and get it made and to Kate before the July guild meeting (July 8th).
Have fun!
As always raw edge measurement is 10 ½“ square. You may also use black.

JUNE – I Spy in the Garden of Eden

MAY – QBS Snail Trail
Celebrating our anniversary/birthday, we will use a Snail Trail block variant to make a uniquely Quilters by the Sea block of the month. Instructions

APRIL – Scrappy Wonky Log Cabin
Celebrating Earth Day: Recycle, Renew, Reduce!
This Log Cabin block is put together using strip scraps from
your stash. Instructions

MARCH – Scrappy Irish Chain
Any colors or monochromatic- your choice, and white.
This is a “twofer” block (10.5” x 20.5”). You will construct two different blocks and join them. Instructions

FEBRUARY – Valentine Hearts
Any(!) colors, however keep background the same throughout the block you make. Instructions

JANUARY – Snowflakes!
Create a six pointed white (solid/print) snowflake on blue
(solid or print) background. See photo! Have fun!