At our September meeting, if you weren’t there, I asked Linda Jones, our guest speaker and
friend from SewVac to draw the winning ticket from the box, the very excited and happy winner was Marlene Winn of Irvine, CA. Marlene is an experienced sewer, but a new quilter, having just begun making quilts for her grandchildren a couple years ago, with the help of classes at Orange Quilt Bee. She is also especially fond of decorating for the Halloween holiday, so was thrilled to win “Halloween Delight” by our own Kate Weber.
Congratulations! to Marlene, and our thanks for supporting QBS every year by buying tickets
(from me!) even before being bitten by the quilting bug.
Cathe HagermanBeizer
2022 OPPORTUNITY QUILT – “HALLOWEEN DELIGHT” – (57” x 74”) – was machine pieced and hand quilted by Kate Weber. The fabrics are Halloween themed and the design is a pattern by Australian designer, Jen Kingwell, called “Wanderer’s Wife”. Tickets ar $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00. Winner need not be present to win. Further information and/or tickets are available by contacting Cathe HagermanBeizer, Opportunity Quilt Chair, at Quilters by the Sea, P.O. Box 92814, Long Beach, CA 90809, or through the website: www.quiltersbythesea.com
The drawing for a winner will be held on September 8th, 2022.