QBS Board

The QBS Board meets monthly on Tuesday, 9 days before the General Meeting. The meeting starts at 6:30 pm and is being held Board Members’ homes. All members are welcome to join the Board Meetings.

Please see our calendar for specific dates and to verify the location (sometimes the date or location can change.)

A list of past QBS Presidents can be found here.

Elected Positions
PresidentDr. Deb Belcher
VP ProgramsAlan Calgaro
VP WorkshopsKate Weber and Teri Meggers
TreasurerLori Davies
SecretaryCarollynn Machado-Guarino and Marc Hyatt
AuditorKim Snow
MembershipCharlotte Lee and Melody Doukenick
Special EventsDawn Couch
Quilt Show 2024-2025Lori Davies and Committee
Appointed Positions
IntraguildLori Davies
Community RelationsCarollynn Machado-Guarino
Librarian(s)Kristy Chillington and Linda Monsen
ParliamentarianMarc Hyatt
NewsletterPatti Paschall
Southern California Council of Quilt Guilds (SCCQG)Open
Standing Committees
Bee KeeperOpen
Block of the MonthAlan Calgaro
Crumb BoxOpen
EquipmentLinda Monsen
Facility Location LiaisonOpen
GreetersRandy Miller and guild members
Guild BasketOpen
HospitalityJoyce Allen
Opportunity Quilt 2025Susan Fisher and Lynn Adamson
Photographer(s)Dorothy Foral and Carole Jurado
President’s GiftBrandi Kelly-Contreras and Carollynn Machado-Guarino
Publicity Dawn Lindelin
RaffleKim Snow
Red HenLori Davies
RetreatLori Davies
Round Robin RowOpen
Secret PalCarol Jurado
Sew So SaturdayCarollynn Machado-Guarino
Social MediaDawn Lindelin
Show & TellCarole Jurado and Dorothy Foral
Sunshine and ShadowsCarollynn Machado-Guarino
WebmasterDawn Lindelin